It’s in our logo, it’s painted on our wall at the brewery, and it’s printed on every can label we’ve ever made - what’s the deal with Tulip glasses? While there are hundreds of different styles of glassware used for beer, cocktails, and other beverages - we think the tulip is the best for a few reasons!
At its core, the tulip is incredibly versatile for every style of beer, and in our opinion, the most versatile style of glassware. Its mouth tapers in which concentrates the aroma of your beer into the top of the glass, aiding your drinking experience. The bulbous shape and elegant stem of the tulip is also perfect for a great presentation of your beer. The rounded bottom makes for an excellent place to rest the glass in your hand and allows the heat from your hand to gently warm the beer, releasing more aroma and flavor compounds.
When we first grab a tulip to pour a beer, we make sure we give it a quick rinse. This not only cleans any remaining sanitizer or dust from inside the glass but will slightly chill the glass before we pour your beer, to promote proper head formation. If you’ve ever seen small bubbles clinging to the side of your glass, that’s a sign of nucleation - aka, your glass is dirty!
You may notice certain beers are served in certain-sized tulips in our taproom. A light lager comes in a large, 16oz tulip, and a 15% imperial stout is served in a smaller, 10oz tulip. This is the practice of responsible alcohol serving - ensuring we’re serving higher ABV beers in smaller glasses to slow your consumption and keep someone safe from over-consumption.
Next time you go to grab a glass at home, think about reaching for a tulip to help elevate your drinking experience.
The gentle curve up the side of the glass allows aromas to be concentrated at the top.